Botox Therapy in Dystonia

What is Botulinum Neurotoxin Therapy?

Botulinum neurotoxin injections are a localized treatment to relieve dystonia symptoms. Botulinum neurotoxin (BNT), a biological product, is injected into muscles where it relaxes the muscles and reduces excessive muscle contractions. BNT is derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Ironically this is the same bacterium responsible for botulism, a disease associated with eating contaminated food. BNT is used as a therapeutic agent to block the release of chemicals that activate muscle contractions.

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How Can a ‘Toxin’ be a Medical Treatment?

Although a medication with the word “toxin” in the name may seem confusing, BNT injections have decades of research and clinical experience demonstrating that they are a safe and effective medical therapy. When used medically, BNT are transformed into a therapeutic agent by complex manufacturing processes. The doses used to treat dystonia are far less than the amount that would even begin to make a person ill from botulism.

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How do Botulinum Neurotoxin Injections Work?

When BNT is injected into muscles affected by dystonia, it blocks the neurotransmitter chemicals that signal the muscles to contract and spasm excessively. The muscle is weakened and therefore relaxes, reducing the dystonia.

Prior to the introduction of BNT in the United States during the 1980s, there was essentially no treatment for focal dystonias, and generalized dystonias were managed with oral medications and irreversible brain surgery.

Are These the Same Injections Used for Wrinkles?

Botulinum neurotoxin injections is used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. The doses and muscles injected may be vastly different, depending on the patient.